On this page you can find the most known critical works on handwriting analysis . They can be very useful to analyse the used approaches and to comprehend the reasons of negative results.
Dazzi, C., Pedrabissi, L. (2009). Graphology and personality: An empirical study on validity of handwriting analysis. Psychological Reports, Vol. 105, Issue 3F, 1255-1268.
Furnham, A., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Callahan I. (2003). Does graphology predict personality and intelligence? Individual Differences Research, 1(2), 78 – 94.
King, R.N., Koehler, D.J. (2000): Illusory correlation in graphological inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 6, 336 – 348.
Thiry, B. (2009). Exploring the Validity of Graphology with the Rorschach Test. Rorschachiana. Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach 30, 26-47.
Ben-Shakhar, G., Bar-Hillel, M., Bilu, Y., Ben-Abba, E., Flug, A. (1986). Can graphology predict occupational Success? Two empirical studies and some methodological ruminations. Journal of Applied Psychology 71(4), 645-653.
Beyerstein, B.L., Beyerstein, D.F. (Eds.) (1992). The write stuff: evaluation of graphology – the study of handwriting analysis. Prometheus Books.
Buschell, I. (1996). A comparison of the validity of handwriting analysis with that of the Cattell 16PF. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 4, 12-17.
Crowley, T. (1991). The influence of social desirability on the relationships between handwriting and personal qualities. Personality and Individual Differences 12: 881–885.
Dazzi, C., Pedrabissi, L. (2009). Graphology and personality: an empirical study on validity of handwriting analysis. Psychological Reports, Vol. 105, Issue 3F, 1255-1268.
Driver, R.W., Buckley, M.R., Frink, D.D. (1996). Should we write off graphology? International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 4 (2): 78–86.
Edwards A.G.P., Armitage, P. (1992). An experiment to test the discriminating ability of graphologists. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(1), 69–74.
Furnham, A., Gunter, B. (1987). Graphology and personality: another failure to validate graphological analysis. Personality and Individual Differences 8 (3): 433–435.
Furnham, A., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Callahan I. (2003). Does graphology predict personality and intelligence? Individual Differences Research, 1(2), 78 – 94.
Jansen, A. (1973). Validation of Graphological Judgments: An Experimental Study. The Hague: Mouton Publishers.
Kanning, U. (2010). Von Schädeldeutern und anderen Scharlatanen: Unseriöse Methoden in Psychodiagnostik. Lengericht: Pabst Science Publishers.
King, R.N., Koehler, D.J. (2000). Illusory correlation in graphological inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 6, 336 – 348.
Klimovski, R., Rafaeli A. (1983). Inferring personal qualities through handwriting analysis. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 56 (3), 191-202.
Netter, E., Ben-Shakhar, G. (1989). The predictive validity of graphological inferences: A meta-analytic approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 10, 737 – 745.
Rim, Y. (1980). Who believes in Graphology? Personality and Individual Differences 2, 85–87.
Rosenthal, D., Lines, R. (1978). Handwriting as a correlate of extraversion. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 45-48.
Tett, R., Palmer, C. (1997). The validity of handwriting elements in relation to self-report personality trait measure. Personality and Individual Differences, 22, 11-18.
Vestewig, R., Santu, S., Moss, M. (1976). On the validity of graphoanalysis. Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 589-600.